Consumer Federation of America is a nonprofit association of nearly 300 consumer organizations. Established in 1968, CFA’s mission is to advance the consumer interest through research, education and advocacy. is intended to increase public knowledge about identity theft and to encourage companies that provide identity theft services to follow good practices. It was developed with input from CFA’s Identity Theft Service Best Practices Working Group, which consists of consumer advocates and identity theft service providers. CFA is solely responsible for the content on this site unless it is identified as coming from other sources. Consumer Federation of America’s Identity Theft Service Best Practices Working Group These members of CFA’s Identity theft Service Best Practices Working Group provided input in developing the Best Practices for Identity Theft Services, Nine Things to Check When Shopping for Identity Theft Services, My company’s had a data breach, now what? 7 questions to ask when considering identity theft services, and the website.*
* This list is not an endorsement by CFA for any specific company or product. |